Prerequisites: Python 2.5 (so far, the code hasn't been updated to the latest version of Python).
So first of all I got the right version installed on the virtual machine:
- wget
- tar -xvf Python-2.5.tgz (to extract the files)
- cd Python-2.5
- sudo ./configure
- make
- make install
- which python2.5 --> /usr/local/bin/python2.5 (to verify that it has been installed correctly in the environment path)
After this, get the pyrt code:
- git clone
- sudo python -d -a 49.00.01 -z $((1024*1024*5)) -f isis-dump -i
To run the code you need to set all the parameters as above, with the meaning:
Usage: [ options ] where options are ([*] required):
-h|--help : Help
-v|--verbose : Be verbose
-q|--quiet : Be quiet
-a|--area-addr : set the area address to which this IS belongs
-i|--ip-addr : *** HACK *** set the IP address to advertise
-s|--src-id : set the source ID of this IS
-l|--lan-id : set the LAN ID of this IS (def: "<srcid>:01")
--device : Set the device to receive on (def: eth0)
-d|--dump : Dump MRTd::PROTOCOL_ISIS format
-y|--dump-isis2 : Dump MRTd::PROTOCOL_ISIS2 format
-f|--file : Set file prefix for MRTd dump (def: mrtd.mrtd)
-z|--size : Size of output file(s) (min: 51200)
And the output is:
L1LANHello (len=1500):
src mac: 00.0c.29.47.e4.a1, dst mac: 01.80.c2.00.00.14
len: 1500, LLC: 0xfe.fe.03
hdr_len: 27, protocol id: 1, version: 1, eco: 0, user eco: 0
circuit type: L1Circuit, holdtimer: 50, PDU len: 1497, priority: 64
src id:, LAN id:
field: AreaAddress, length: 4
area addresses: 0x49.00.01,
field: IIHIISNeighbor, length: 6
IS Neighbour 1:
field: ProtoSupported, length: 1
protocols supported: ['IP']
field: IPIfAddr, length: 4
interface IP addresses: ['']
The packets are stored in a file called:
isis-dump.2013-07-25_08.47.39, which is a .mrtd format file and can be later used to manipulate the data.
Thanks for this post. I was pondering over whether this can be used for creating a routing table from an external ISIS dump that I have from another network?